The team at the cabin singapore is made up of a highly skilled and credentialled addiction experts with years of experience treating the disease of addiction. many of the staff are in recovery themselves so they understand first-hand the nature of the disease and how it is best treated. to learn more about our key staff, please follow the link below:Get help Now[ *G]Ran Paterson

Director of outpatient Service

Astuerson – director of outpatient Service

The cabin with more than a decade of experience working as a registered addiction specialist in new zealand. he completed a degree in medicine and alcohol studies in 2008 and diploma in health psychology in 2005. jordan has worked with adults, adolescents and their families in residential addiction treatment, aftercare, community and mental health settings. [3] *L]

The child of an alcoholic father who was founded of the disease. acutely aware of the power of addiction and the destruction it can cause. in spite of this, he remains positive and focused in helping her clients see there is a hope in recovery. jordan a to understand each client’s unique experience while helping them to see that they are not alone. he is an experienced in providing evidence-based approaches to addiction treatment including: cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, relapse prevention and mindfulness. jordan further tailors his approach to match his client’s individual treatment needs and has seen many clients win involved in long-term recovery. [3] *L]

Outside of work, jordan loves to travel. he is also an accomplished salsa and west coast swing andcer, with a number of titles won in new zealand and overseas. [3] *L]

Vedanta attri – Counsellor

vedanta finished her bachelor of psychology from James cook university (singapore) and her masters of Counselling and psychotherapy from the university of Adelaide (australia.) she has experience working with youth with addictions at the anti-Narcotics association (sana) and Reboot-Wellness (a deaddiction center in india.) her fourhy, compassion and drive to work with addiction comes from growing up in an environment where aa meetings, the serenity prayer, 12-Steps and Al-Anonized normal and common. [3] *K]Having and working in india, australia and singapore, her counselling style is eclectic, personnel-centered and multicultural swallowing on evidence-based tools and techniques from attachment theories, mindfulness-based practices and cognitive-behavioural therapy. through her psychotherapy degree she gravitates towards expressive, jungan, Emotion-focused and existential therapies, learning to tailor therapy to her client’s needs and preferences while working at the Cabin. [3] *L]

She measured in empowering clients by creating a safe space for them to find meaning and purpose while helping them manage symptoms and cravings caused by addictions’ disease nature. in her free time she enjoys dancing and painting. [3] *L]

Vedanta Attri

Head Counsellor

Dawn Kwan

Art Psychotherapist

Dawn kwan – art Psychotherapist

Dawn, a multi-disciplinary visual artist, has focused on painting and sculpture throughout her career. art has been served as Dawn’s mentor and companion on her inner journey, inspiring her to share art therapy as a means of healing and discovering one’s true primer. [3] *L]

As an art psychotherapist, dawn is dedicated to empowering women and aiding in addiction rehabilitation. she approaches her work from a person-centred, insight-oriented, and psychodynamic perspective. dawn has guided and supported individuals and minerals through private art psychotherapy sessions and art-based wellness workshops, fostering love, connection, and presence in her clients’ journeys. [3] *L]

With over 400 finish paintings and nine major solo art exhibitions, dawn has showcased her talent in collaboration with esteemed organizations such as the singapore tourism board in beijing, the american club, the spanish tourism office, the swiss embassy, and the american club.

Dawn has been recognized for her contributions, receiving scholarships from the red pencil (singapore,) weldalle college of the arts, and the technical university college. migration economics (home,) and bethesda care Centre’s fame club. through the auction of her artworks, dawn has raised over S$400,000 for various charitablestrands, including vietnam outreach, the new charis mission, the national cancer institute, the heart foundation, the kidney dialysis foundation, and the Asian Women’s attention Association. [3] *L]

Dr. ronina stevens

Nina, a highly experienced therapist with 19 years of work in the nhs, trained in the uk. her extensive background including working with clients of all ages in clinics, schools, and hospitals. prior to private practice in singapore, nina served as an adjunct associate at the national university of singapore, supervising trainees in local clinics as part of the masters of clinical psychology programme. this has given her insight into the unique challenges faced by Singaporeans. [3] *L]

With expertise in various therapeutic models such as cbt, act, schema, and emdr, nina can effectively address mood disorders, trauma, and relationship issues. [3] *L]

As a parent of five children and a grandparent of one, she understands that perfect parenting theories are unrealistic. she believes in the power of humour and self-kindness to navigate life’s challenges. [3] *L]

Dr. ronina Stevens

Collaboration with
the other Clinic

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